Have you lot e'er noticed that sometimes the about applied things in your house that you apply almost daily and probably don't even think about frequently tin can actually be some of the best tools when it comes to crafting, creativity, and DIY? Those are some of our very favourite things to make because it'southward similar discovering a whole new purpose to a uncomplicated tool that y'all thought you knew everything about already! What'due south our latest obsession like this, you ask? The answer is safe pins!

Check out these 12 crawly (and surprisingly simple) safety pin DIY projects that will keep you busy and entertained for hours on cease. Just endeavor not to prick the ends of your own fingers while you're at information technology!

1. DIY safety pivot bangle

Diy safety pin bangle

Creating a cute safety pin bangle similar this i from Redflycreations is an awesome mode to spend your afternoon because it actually feels virtually every bit though you're doing 2 split crafts at once. First you'll choose seed beads and cord them along the arm of each pin and then you'll really pin them in place to construct the bangle itself!

2. Condom pivot bib necklace

Safety pin bib necklace

Do yous love the idea of making yourself some stylish safety pin jewelry but you've never actually been i for bracelets or bangles? And then bank check out this more fragile looking bib necklace instead! We love the mode My White Idea DIY pinned their prophylactic pins to thin jewelry chain to create a pretty piece.

3. Nail polished prophylactic pins

Nail polished safety pins

If you lot ask us, making something awesome out of safety pins really is as unproblematic as linking more than one pin together so some of them hang down from a base pin. We've loved wearing these petty contraptions as brooches on denim jackets and the like since we were immature. Manner Inked, even so, suggests taking that easy self décor to the next level by painting the pins with nail shine before yous put them together! Nosotros dearest the combination of brilliant colours as they dangle when yous motility.

4. Multi-sized safe pin and concatenation necklace

Multi sized safety pin and chain necklace

Are you a big fan of the dangling pin idea we talked most above just you'd rather make something that'southward a niggling more of a statement piece rather than just putting together a unproblematic brooch? Then check out how Wobi Sobi created this centre catching necklace using the same concept but with varied pivot sizes! Grab some jewelry chain, i very large pin for the middle of the necklace, and a agglomeration of smaller pins to hang from it.

5. Safety pin and sequin necklace

Safety pin chain bracelet diy

Did yous know that beads aren't the simply matter you can string along your prophylactic pins when you're making jewelry? Sequins work very well likewise, and they even add together a little more sparkle and shine to your projection! We're huge fans of this simple two-tiered pin and concatenation bracelet from Highondiy. You lot might gum the sequins to the pins so they lay flat or string the pivot arm through the sequin holes.

6. Woven prophylactic pivot ring

Woven safety pin ring

Jewelry chain isn't the but thing y'all can combine safety pins with in lodge to make yourself adorable accessories! Chains and pins tend to have a very metallic look that's a footling edgier, but you can soften things up past doing a chip of weaving instead. We love My White Idea DIY's suggestion for weaving thread, coloured cord, or whatever you like the look of between the arms of several condom pins, almost similar y'all're doing embroidery or needlework.

vii. Boho chic safety pin jacket pins

Boho chic safety pin jacket pins

Have you been sitting here this whole time with your mind racing, full of ideas for other things you could loop or string onto a safety pin to create a really absurd aesthetic? Then you and Whimsy Beloved are totally on the same wavelength! Nosotros simply adore the fashion they've used all kinds of little trinkets and materials to apparel up some simple pins in order to brand a serial of gorgeous vintage inspired brooches.

8. Beaded safety pin earrings

Beaded safety pin earrings

Did you know that safety pins can be very easily transformed into a stunning set of earrings in just a few super uncomplicated steps? Nosotros don't really recommend actually putting the pins themselves through your ear piercings, as the metallic they're made from isn't the near peel friendly, but Guide Patterns is here to evidence you how like shooting fish in a barrel it is to attach a couple earring hooks into the loops of your pins! Then add whatever colours and styles of beads even so you please.

9. Bead, safety pin, and ribbon bracelet

Bead, safety pin, and ribbon bracelet

Are yous and then intrigued past the concept of weaving between prophylactic pins that you've actually been scrolling this list hoping to find a project that lets that technique stand out a little more? Then this ribbon and pin bracelet might exist exactly what you need to encounter! Trinkets in Bloom shows you how the weaving is done (and fifty-fifty how to add a couple beads for extra mode).

10. Patterned bead safety pin bib necklace

Patterned bead safety pin bib necklace

Do you love the thought of beading your safety pins in a bib necklace style then the colours of the beads stand out wonderfully simply you'd rather non just work with one colour or create a randomize mashup of shades? And then consider following in Mood Possibly's lead instead by working with ii colours of very small seed beads and creating a visual geometric pattern instead!

11. Pearls and angled pins choker

Pearls and angled pins choker

Then at we've shown you mostly safety pin bracelets that actually apply the pins themselves as role of the process of constructing the actual bracelet, but what if you lot actually only like the way the pins await and would rather feature them as an embellishment? So you must take a look at this awesomely edgy yet swish angled pin and pearl bracelet from Honestlywtf. The pins have been attached at random angles to embellish the look rather than create it from scratch.

12. Safety pin cutting out top

Safety pin cut out top

Cut out shapes aren't the only style you lot can utilize prophylactic pins in t-shirts for some amped upward, edgy fashion! This characteristic on Virginiepeny suggests actually cutting the bottom half of a t-shirt right off and- get this- pinning it back on with safety pins! This lets a fiddling bit of a popping cut out liven up the otherwise plan shirt in a way that makes the states want to go excavation for our scissors and try it ourselves.

Have yous made other safety pin DIY projects that you're very proud of merely that you don't see on our list? Tell us all about how you did them in the comments department or link united states to pictures of your piece of work!