
Which Home Decor Suits Your Personality

Are you Shabby Chic or Mod Classical? Don't know? Don't worry! We tin assist you lot figure it out with our interior design style quiz.

With our 10 questions, you'll be able to put a proper noun to your dream dwelling design style and answer that burning design question: "Am I more than Joanna Gaines, Erin Napier, or Bobby Berk?" With some home design inspiration, you tin go your home design project wheels going.

3 steps to decorating your dwelling:

At present that you've got a clear idea of what your home blueprint preferences are, cheers to our interior design quiz, here are our three crucial steps to ace DIY dwelling house decorating. You tin can make your home reflect your style while not spending a fortune.

Step #1: Know your design style.

Let's confront it — some dwelling decor styles are easy to confuse with i another (how-do-you-do, Modern and Contemporary!). And then how do you brand certain that the blueprint y'all're trying to imitate truly reflects your style?

Commencement with an interior design quiz.

Start with our What'southward My Decorating Way? Quiz! Information technology'southward non like those loftier schoolhouse math quizzes, nosotros hope! Information technology's fully visual, thoughtful, and fun. You might be surprised — the style that you cease upwards with (and truly suits you) might be slightly different from what y'all've imagined all along. It will as well give you the necessary design vocab to narrow your search. When looking online for home decor pieces, yous can type words similar "industrial," "coastal," or "boho" to help you detect the perfect fit for your home!

Take a proficient await at your space.

Once you've got your style down, your next pace is to realistically appraise your space. Is a total revamp in the cards? Or practice you just need some accessories here and there to showcase your way? Which areas of your abode are working for yous and which ones aren't? Is it important for your home to accept a lot of natural light? Or does artificial light suffice? And virtually chiefly, does that behemothic infant blue shark statue yous saw at your neighbor's garage sale really emphasize the beachy cottage expect you're going for?

No matter your style, remember to stay flexible in your thinking, this isn't a right or wrong state of affairs. You need to be comfy in your space, and if you are an entertainer, you want your guests to be wowed by your decorating chic, not put off by forced perfection or an over-designed, cluttered space.

Become inspired.

Now, we get to the fun function. Immerse yourself on Pinterest, stock up on dwelling decor mags, and binge-lookout some of the absurd habitation design shows on TV.

Encounter something you like when you're visiting friends or traveling? Keep note of what inspires you: kickoff a concrete mood board by keeping space in your place to hang photos of what yous like, fill up a scrapbook, or go virtual and first your own Pinterest lath.

Step #2: Choose, consider, curate.

First, choose style elements and accessories that you see yourself (and your family) using and enjoying in the long run. Every bit much as we would like our infinite to epitomize our style, practicality and functionality even so make a liveable, comfortable home.

2nd, consider lighting, measurements, etc. It's easy to shop for annihilation and everything that embodies your style. Only the thing is, not all of those items were fabricated to fit your habitation. Consider the corporeality of calorie-free your space gets at all times of 24-hour interval, and choose paint colors and lighting that tin brighten your space. Take notes virtually the dimensions of your room to make sure that you find furniture that fits.

Lastly, curate your domicile's new style by only bringing in things that brand you happy. To make a truly standout space, accept it piece of cake on the accessorizing. Only because it'due south available and matches your theme doesn't mean you should use it. (Recall infant bluish shark from earlier!)

Pace #3: Piece of work within your budget.

For some, the high of visualizing their dream habitation pattern wears off every bit before long as the talk of a upkeep comes upwardly. But working within your budget shouldn't exist met with dread and shouldn't stifle your creative potential. Here's how you tin stick to your budget without sacrificing your dream home decor:

Reuse items that you already take.

You might already have what y'all need. Categorize each particular yous currently own and identify if it still serves its purpose and the style you're going for. Do you have items that take an entirely different aesthetic than you're going for? Organize a garage sale for extra funds or donate them to your nearest charity.

Swoop into a garage sale, estate auction, or a secondhand store.

Somebody else's unwanted items could exist your treasure. You can find nigh every design way — both sometime and new. Consider checking out "box lots" at an manor sale … oftentimes, many decorating items (and sometimes, real treasures!) are lumped in one box to make the sale go faster.

Focus on mixing rather than matching.

Purchasing large-ticket items in one go, like a article of furniture set, might sound like a way to get everything you need at once. But it could end up draining your budget faster and restrict your ability to truly personalize your space. To design like an actual pro, don't be afraid to mix and match your elements — especially your furniture. Keep one focal point and add together in complementing accessories.

Try your hand at DIY-ing your abode pieces.

Interior design styles like Shabby Chichi and Industrial, amid others, characteristic lived-in pieces which are easy to replicate with some patience and elbow grease. With DIY, you go to unleash your creativity and create pattern pieces that you won't observe anywhere else.

Frequently asked questions


How do I choose my decorating mode?


Start by taking MYMOVE'due south What's My Decorating Style? Quiz to determine the mode that truly represents you and your personality. A home interior blueprint quiz makes it and then much easier past creating the foundation for any redesigning project. Give it a go!


What are the different home decor styles?


There are tons of design styles out in that location, merely here are some of the trendy styles for 2022:

  • Art Deco
  • Farmhouse
  • Contemporary
  • Shabby Chichi
  • Eclectic
  • Mid-Century Modern
  • Industrial
  • French Country
  • Modern
  • Maverick
  • Minimalist
  • Scandinavian
  • Littoral


What are the 2022 decorating trends?


These are some of the most popular trends we see for 2022:

  • Mixing vintage with new. Feel free to hitting those manor sales!
  • White kitchens. E'er timeless, but mix it up with some two-tone cabinets for a kick!
  • Curved piece of furniture. Don't be afraid to show your softer, rounder side.
  • Warm neutrals. Retrieve earthy tones, warm skies and muted greens.
  • And then long, Shiplap. Hi, classic Wainscotting.


How do I make my business firm beautiful on a upkeep?


Budget, budget, budget … by reusing items your own items, or if y'all really need to purchase something, check out garage sales or secondhand stores. Purchase items slowly, rather than making one big purchase. Don't forget, DIY-ing is a keen mode to create i-of-a-kind accessories while keeping your wallet from screaming.


How practise I testify my personality through my design style?


Mix and match your pattern elements to permit your personality to shine through. Have one interesting slice and make it the focal point of a room and pattern around the detail to create a cohesive and fun look.

Which Home Decor Suits Your Personality,


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